Christmas Basket
Due to failed harvests, rising prices, and uncertainty, more and more families in Uganda are not asking "What shall we eat today?" but rather "Will we eat today?". Sometimes there's really nothing to eat.
Every year, we give hundreds of families in Uganda something to look forward to: a Christmas basket filled with food and other essentials. For these families, this extra bit of support makes a great difference at Christmas.

Contents include tomatoes, onions, beans, rice, sugar, salt, oil, flour, soap, matches, and the Christmas message.

Additional donations for the Christmas Baskets are used for our fight against malnutrition. This year, the number of children treated for malnutrition in our clinic increased doubled. Through education, proper treatment, and infant formula, we have been able to save thousands of lives. Your support is indispensable in this effort.
Give a Christmas Basket today!
Noah's Ark Children's Ministry International is a registered non-profit in the Netherlands.